
Mobile Audiometric Testing Services for Western Montana

Hearing Conservation Programs and Services for Western Montana

Montana’s major manufacturing industries process raw materials from mines, forests, and farms.

Montana has long been known for abundant natural resources that can be mined and renewable stands of trees available for harvest and recreational uses.

The peaceful natural beauty of this state can be best enjoyed when a Hearing Conservation Program is put into practice as required by OSHA.

Industrial Hearing Service, Inc. will assist Montana employers in providing OSHA-compliant hearing testing and reporting for employees that are required to participate in an OSHA-approved Hearing Conservation Program. We also provide on-site hearing tests for private, city, state, county and federal employee groups.

→ Hearing Conservation Programs
→ OSHA Hearing Conservation Requirements

Contact Us

Schedule mobile audiometric testing today.

Call Toll-Free at 1-800-547-1912
Or Email IHS
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