Hearing Resources
Physics of Sound
The Soundry – An exciting, interactive, and educational website about sound. Covering everything from the most basic concepts of what sound actually is to the specifics of how humans perceive it. The Soundry aims to promote enthusiasm and knowledge of sound. We hope you have fun exploring our site and come away with new understanding and insights about sound: schoolnet.org.za
Fourier Synthesis – Hands-on synthesis of complex tones. Add lots of pure tones together and hear the complex tone that emerges: phy.ntnu.edu.tw/…/sound.html
HyperPhysics – Extensive links for sound measurement and physics of sound. Select “Sound and Hearing” link: hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu
Pennsylvania State University – Some really well done demonstrations of the physics of sound developed by Dan Russell: acs.psu.edu
Find Sounds on the web – You can find all sorts of sounds and then analyze their physical characteristics with a program like CoolEdit: findsounds.com
Acoustical Society of America – A website on possible careers that include acoustics: acousticalsociety.org
The Physics Classroom – Includes information on the nature of sound, including animations of longitudinal sound waves as well as the physics of musical sounds: physicsclassroom.com